
M-JPEG stands for Motion JPEG. M-JPEG is a video format that uses JPEG picture compression in each frame of the video. Frames of the video don't interact with each other in any way (like they do in MPEG-1, MPEG-2, etc..) which results in much bigger filesize, but in other hand, it makes the video editing easier because each of the frames has all of the information they need stored in them.

M-JPEG is used in very high quality video captures -- normally as the raw data format which is edited and compressed into another format after the editing process is completed. Unfortunaly M-JPEG is not a standard or even standardized -- each vendor has their own codecs and normally M-JPEG files created with one codec cannot be read with other vendor's codecs.

M-JPEG is the format that we recommend you to use in your video capture process as a raw data format. Editing this videostream is extremely easy and encoding the edited M-JPEG stream into final format (such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2 or Divx ;-)) gives normally the best possible video quality.

MJPEG是一種基於靜態圖像壓縮技術JPEG演變而成的動態圖像壓縮技術。MJPEG能生成序列化的運動圖像,過程中不考慮視訊流內不同畫面之間的變 化,只單獨針對各畫面進行壓縮,此種壓縮方式非常適合靜態畫面,解析度可從352×240、704×480到1280x1024。傳統JPEG壓縮技術是 直接處理整個畫面,必需等到整個壓縮檔案傳輸完成才開始進行解壓縮成影像畫面,這樣的方式造成傳輸一個高解析畫面時須花費數十秒甚至數分鐘。基本上,影像 的播放只要能達到每秒鐘30個畫面,看起來就會平滑順暢。

◎M-JPEG的制定,不是專門為PC而準備的,是為專業級與廣播級的視訊設備,做為擷取與回錄準備的,因此,它使用了包含為傳統模擬電視優化的,交錯(隔行)掃瞄電視的演算法;如果在PC 上播放MJPEG 編碼的檔案,效果會很差並且有一些模糊(如果你的顯示卡不支援MJPEG的動態補償),但是將畫面輸出到電視機來觀賞,會立刻發現這種演算法的好處,畫質也相對便清析許多。

◎M-JPEG 編碼常用於非線性剪輯系統,一般只有專業工作單位使用最多。它是很多硬體視訊卡支援的一種視訊編碼格式,隨卡提供了Codec,安裝完成後可以像使用其它編碼一樣生成.AVI 檔案。它的編碼品質是相當不錯,是一種以畫質為最高考量的編碼方式,因此,檔案相當大。

◎這種編碼在1995年~2005年之間,大量被使用,現在M-JPEG這樣的設備,在專業級與廣播級的視訊的非線性剪輯系統,仍然是服役中。最近有被Mpg2 I-Frame這種格式所取代的趨勢。


M-JPEG(Motion- Join Photographic Experts Group)技术即运动静止图像(或逐帧)压缩技术,广泛应用于非线性编辑领域可精确到帧编辑和多层图像处理,把运动的视频序列作为连续的静止图像来处 理,这种压缩方式单独完整地压缩每一帧,在编辑过程中可随机存储每一帧,可进行精确到帧的编辑,此外M-JPEG的压缩和解压缩是对称的,可由相同的硬件 和软件实现。但M-JPEG只对帧内的空间冗余进行压缩。不对帧间的时间冗余进行压缩,故压缩效率不高。采用M-JPEG数字压缩格式,当压缩比7:1 时,可提供相当于Betacam SP质量图像的节目。



此外,M-JPEG这种压缩方式并不是一个完全统一的压缩标准,不同厂家的编解码器和存储方式并没有统一的规定格式。这也就是说,每个型号的视频服务 器或编码板有自己的M-JPEG版本,所以在服务器之间的数据传输、非线性制作网络向服务器的数据传输都根本是不可能的。


Selecting the proper imaging technology up front will be one of your most important decisions you will face designing and implementing your network video project. When considering compression options for network video solutions, the following video related issues should be reviewed and carefully considered.

  • Minimum Resolution
  • Image Quality
  • Minimum and Maximum Frame Rates (FPS)
  • Number of Cameras (Scalability)
  • Storage Requirements
  • Available Bandwidth
  • Overall Latency (time difference between live and displayed video)
  • Budget

The compression logic used in both MJPEG and MPEG4 are beyond the scope of this white paper. Suffice it to say that MJPEG and MPEG4 compression algorithms are the most common forms of video compression currently used in the network video industry.


  • Well Suited For Mega-Pixel Cameras 適合高畫素之Cameras
  • Better Image Quality (clear individual images)畫質較高
  • Resiliency (fast image stream recovery in the event of packet loss)彈性大
  • Interoperability (industry standard compression/decompression available on all PCs)跨平台
  • Decompression on the PC is better (more video streams on PC) 在PC有較好的解壓縮率
  • Large Number of Supported Cameras 多數Camera都支援
  • Lower Latency (better live viewing and more responsive PTZ control) 低延遲(更好的即時監控以及PTZ回覆控制) 註: PTZ是全場監視器的一種

  • Graceful degradation (reduced bandwidth does not reduce image quality) 降級處理功能(減少頻寬不減少圖片品質)
  • Constant image quality (quality remains constant regardless of image complexity)不變的圖片品質
  • Can Perform(完成) Live Motion Detection and Image Analysis (at the PC) 可以即時完成監視及圖片的分析
  • Low complexity (for images searches and manipulation)低複雜度
  • Can display and record up to 30 FPS 可以顯示及記錄大於30FPS
  • High bandwidth usage (at frame rates above 10 FPS) 使用高頻寬( 幀率大於10 FPS(每秒顯示幀率) )
  • High storage requirements (at frame rates above 10 FPS) 需要大容量儲存( 幀率大於10 FPS(每秒顯示幀率) )
  • No support for synchronized sound 不提供影音同步

MPEG4 Analysis


  • Higher compression Rates (above 10 FPS) 高壓縮率
  • Lower storage requirements (at 10 FPS or higher) 低儲存空間(檔案小)
  • Can Maintain Constant bit rate (CBR) 可以維持固定碼率
  • Good Streaming Protocol (designed for real-time viewing) 穩定的串流協定
  • Can Sync Audio and Video (for live and recorded streams) 可以同步聲音及影像
  • Can display and record up to 30 FPS 可以顯示及記錄大於30FPS
  • Decompression on the PC is quite high (fewer video streams) 可以完整的於PC上解壓縮 (較少的視訊串流)
  • Low robustness (can lose video if bandwidth drops) 錯誤容許
  • Higher latency (delayed live viewing and sluggish PTZ control) 延遲時間過高
  • Protocol Issues (not designed for recording and analysis) 以協定發送
  • Few Number of Supported Cameras 只有少數的Cameras支援
  • Less Resilient (packet loss causes lost video) 低彈性(封包遺失影像也會遺失)
  • Can Not Perform Live Motion Detection and Image Analysis (at the PC) ?
  • CBR Mode Issues (image quality suffers with network congestion or movement in scenes) 以CBR模式發佈
  • Licensing restrictions (may need to pay for viewers) 需申請Licensing
  • Not Suited For Mega-Pixel Cameras 不適合高畫素Cameras
If you require synchronized audio and video then MPEG4 is the clear choice. For most security surveillance and remote monitoring applications the MJPEG compression technology is the best choice.


===Link and reference==

Motion JPEG视频压缩IP核的设计与实现

Introduction of MJPEG Ch)

Introduction of MJPEG (En)
+Motion compensation
+Introuction of GO!Cam
+Non-linear editing system

參考資料 :
(國立中正大學/電機工程研究所/研究生:鄭仁傑 指導教授:余松年)



KeyWord : Motion JPEG、MJPEG

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